Features of the multifunctional chat plugin

6 min readJul 11, 2021


Nowadays it’s impossible to imagine any website without the ability to somehow interact with it. All online relationships are built on interaction from shopping in an online store to discussing common interests in a web forum. An easy-to-connect chat can serve as a tool for such interactions.

ImbaChat chat plugin features:

Group chats

The ability to constantly be in touch with all your clients, answer their pressing questions or allow users to create chat rooms themselves to discuss common interests or problems. It’s all about group chats.

The ability to add several users to one chat room at once (and in ImbaChat their number is unlimited) is a basic function that is presented in the free Basic tariff plan. This is a great opportunity to try group chat on your website without additional costs. How to use group chat functions

Private chats

One-on-one communication is essential for dating sites, social networks, and marketplaces. ImbaChat provides a function to start a dialogue with any user.

Online support feature

Consult your clients without leaving the site. Online support via chat differs from other communication channels in its efficiency and convenience of using. The user does not need to go to e-mail or call by phone to contact with support manager for any issue. With the online consultant function, the client can do this without leaving the site. And having received a timely answer to his question, he will be satisfied with the saved time and effort. You can create an unlimited number of support accounts for your support team.

Chat moderation

This feature allows you to remove unwanted messages or unwanted users from conferences. No site is immune to spam. Through the admin panel, you can select a specific dialog and a specific message to delete. This feature is available after updating to version 2.3.2. After the update, the users who are authorized on your site, as WP administrators, will have icons next to each message, by clicking which a window will pop up with the choice of the reason for the ban and the choice of the ban period.

Delete messages

Not only chat administrators can delete messages, but users. They can delete their own messages if there are some mistakes or for any other reason. The delete interface is very simple and clear: just a cross button near the message.

File sharing

Share any type of files: pictures, audio, video, documents, and even geolocations! Such file types as .doc, .xlxs, .png, .jpg, .mp3, .mp4, .gif and others are available for uploading and downloading from the chat. The embedded file sharing interface is easy-ti use. Users can download these files with one click.


Gravatar stands for Globally Recognized Avatar. It is globally recognized because millions of people and websites use them. Most popular applications like WordPress have built-in support for Gravatar. ImbaChat supports Gravatar, it pulls users Globally Recognized avatars from Gravatar servers.

Video and voice messages

Communication through voice and video messages. It is much easier to send a voice message instead of a long text one.

Chat Embedding

The ability to embed a chat into the site window is now available on ImbaChat. More information about this function you can find here.

Presence indicator

Users can see who’s online and who is not.

Language and style customization

ImbaChat plugin has three interface languages: Russian, English, and Italian. But what if you need another one? For that, we created the language customization function. You can translate all the interface phrases in your language.

Search for dialogue

With the convenient function of the search bar at dialog list, users can find any dialog quickly.


Sharing emotions by a full bunch of Emoji.

Unified authorization of users in the chat and on the website

Full integration with the user base of your website and single authorization mechanism in the chat and on the website (users don’t need to sign up twice).

Uploading users list to the chat

The function of uploading users from the site database to a list of chat conversations. By default, the first 50 users from the database are loaded, but you can set the limit for less or more. Also, the search function by username applies to uploaded users in the list. With the new function, starting a dialogue with the user is much faster and more convenient.

Attention! This feature is best suited for sites with a small number of users (up to 100 accounts). If your website has more users, you can set the limit above 50, but in this case, there may be a delay in the loading time of users.


By caching data (user information), the chat will load faster. Moreover, the longer the caching time you choose, the less frequently information about users will be updated. For example, if you select a caching time of 1 week, then if the user data changes during this time, it will be displayed in the chat after the data is updated. At the same time, the chat loading speed becomes higher, and the load on your server is lower. With less caching time, data will be updated more often.


Instead of standard notification on each new message, the plugin will group messages by type (read and unread).

  • Users will not receive already read messages.
  • User will not receive notifications, if he was online last 10 minutes or he has a tab with opened sit

Permissions for users

Need to forbid access to video calls or sending files to some part of users?

For example, only administrators can start video calls or sending messages and others can only chatting.

So, based on that, we have prepared the PHP code for that functions. You should insert it in your website repository to the WP theme file “functions” at the bottom of the file. Learn more about that feature here.

Push Notification in Browser

Now your users will get ImbaChat push notifications from the browser. The notification will appear when the user gets a message with a closed website window. Its appearance depends on the browser settings and operating system of the user's PC. How to use this feature?

Chat Role-Based Access

It could be different roles. For example, it is a role by gender for dating websites. Need to divide users by gender to create a heterosexual Dating platform?

Usually, it means that users can start a conversation only with the opposite gender users. And also, based on the social roles of women and men in the Dating chats, women can reject or accept a conversation with a man, but a man does not.

So, based on that, we have prepared the PHP code for that functions. You should insert it in your website repository to the WP theme file “functions” at the bottom of the file. Learn more.

Users Authorization

Each user should have an account to use the chat. It should be a website account as well as a special account only for the chat.

There is a feature that allows changing that. Open your Dashboard → your Widget → Chat Settings → Authorization settings. There you can switch the registration in the chat.

  • Enabled, users can authorize in the chat as a guest and on the website separately.
  • Disabled, users authorize in the chat with website authorization only.

You can choose the way users will authorize in the chat:

  1. Automatic registration. Users will log in to the chat automatically without a website account. They don’t need to enter any data to use the chat.
  2. With phone or email. Users should leave the contacts to use the chat.
  3. With any login. Users can enter the chat using quest login only.

The ImbaChat plugin is constantly improving. The new features are adding each month. You can learn more about ImbaChat plugin pricing and features.




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